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Hundreds filled Main Street sidewalks Sunday to watch hundreds more marching, riding and walking in Pleasanton’s 18th annual Tri-Valley Veterans Day parade.

The hour-long parade was followed by another hour of ceremonies at the Veterans Memorial Building, where Army Reserve Lt. Col. Christopher Gerdes was the keynote speaker.

Pleasanton’s Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6298 and American Legion Post 237 hosted the 2014 parade and the following ceremonies that featured a patriotic program of music and messages.

The event was held ahead of the actual Nov. 11 holiday, a tradition for the Pleasanton observance so that veterans can join in other celebrations on Nov. 11.

Marching along Main Street were Girl Scout and Boy Scout organizations, Scottish pipe and drum units, the Alameda County Sheriff’s Posse, elected officials from Tri-Valley cities and veterans from Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea and even World War II.

The U.S. Army’s 191st band and the award-winnnig Foothill High School marching band brought loud applause as they marched from Old Bernal Avenue to just past the Pleasanton Hotel.

Army Sgt. Shawn Coe, who was critically injured two years ago by a suicide bomber while on patrol in Afghanistan. was the parade Grand Marshall. He was medically retired from service last July and earned a scholarship from the Sentinels of Freedom to continue his education at Las Positas College.

This year’s reviewing officer was Lt. Colonel Christopher Gerdes, garrison commander at Camp Parks in Dublin. A 24-year serviceman, Gerdes’ assignments have taken him to Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Honduras, Germany and the Pentagon.

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  1. Many thanks to the veterans.

    I have no idea why our non-veteran Tri-Valley elected officials are in the parade. Stealing the spotlight from veterans for their own egos is a shameful display. They should stand on the sidewalk and cheer the veterans and those who have donated their time to entertain like the rest of us.

  2. Agree with Bill!

    Here’s what I think…Unless they are physically or mentally challenged, all politicians, illegal immigrants (Dream Act recipients) and welfare recipients must serve at least 1 year in the military to be qualified to run for any positions and take on any government jobs.

  3. @ Agree – but our Liberal politicians *are* mentally challenged by virtue of their liberal worldviews and policies. I don’t think we’d want them in the military – they’d be the first to turn coat, convert to Islam-o-facism and sell out their brethren. And then President Obola would reward them for it.

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